Research Paper Published

UGC Approved(Old) List
As per UGC guidelines all the research papers are published in UGC listed journals. UGC listed journals were in effect till Year 2018 which is been replaced by UGC care Journals in Year 2019
Click Here to read Old list of UGC listed journals.
Sr. No.Name of the author/sTitle of paperName of journalYear of publicationISBN/ISSN numberFull Paper for download Link
1Prof. Vikrant V. NangareBeyond Reach: Micro-Influencers Vs. Celebrities-A Comparative Analysis Of Engagement And Brand Sentiment In Influencer MarketingCommunity Practitioner20241462-2815
2Prof. Vikrant V. NangareEducation 4.0 and Future EducationThe International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities20242327-0128
3Prof. Vikrant V. NangareDigital Twins: Changing Face Of Smart CitiesMadhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences20240973-855X
4Prof. Vikrant V. NangareAddressing Mental Health Needs in Public Health Management: Bridging Gaps in Services and SupportInternational Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine20240972-0448
5Prof. Shriram UgaleA Study on passenger satisfaction towards emerging metro rail corporation in Pune cityANVESAK20240378-4568
6Dr. Manisha KhaladkarA Study of Women Empowerment through SHG’sInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews2018-19E-ISSN- 2348-1269Download
7Prof. Abhijit KhurapeIndustry 4.0 in Agriculture from IoT AspectsInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
8Prof. Abhijit KhurapeA Study of Factors affecting to Employee Engagement and Its Impact on Strategic fit in an OrganizationInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
9Dr. Indu SharmaIndian Financial Services at a GlanceInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
10Prof. Abhijit KhurapeA Study of Employee Engagement with Special Reference to Selected IT Companies in Pune CityInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
11Dr. Manisha KhaladkarThe Analysis of Mutual Fund’s PerformanceReview of Research2018-19ISSN-2249-894XDownload
12Dr. Manisha KhaladkarProfitability Performance Evaluation of Bajaj Auto Ltd & Hero Motocorp by using Dupoint ModelReview of Research2018-19ISSN-2249-894XDownload
13Prof. Nilesh LimboreImpact of Exchange Rates on Balance of Payment of IndiaReview of Research2018-19ISSN- 2249-894XDownload
14Prof. Vikrant NangareThe Importance of Search Engine Optimization in Digital MarketingReview of Research2018-19ISSN- 2249-894XDownload
15Dr. Manisha KhaladkarAn Impact of Good & Services Tax on Agriculture Sector of MaharashtraInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
16Dr. Indu SharmaA Study of Employee Absenteeism in Selected Manufacturing Companies, Narhe MIDC, PuneInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
17Prof. Nilesh LimboreA Literature Review of Merchant banking in IndiaInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
18Prof. Vikrant NangareA Study of Search Engine and Search Engine MarketingInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
19Dr. Manisha KhaladkarNon-Performing Assets: A Study of Bank of MaharashtraInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
20Prof. Prashant KumbharA Literature Review on E-Commerce: Challenges, Benefits and SolutionsInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
21Prof. Nilesh LimboreAnalytical Study of Cash Management with special reference to Indus Health Plus Pvt. Ltd. PuneInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
22Dr. Manisha KhaladkarComparative Study of Operating Cycle With Reference To Manufacturing CompaniesInternational Journal of 360 Management Review2018-19ISSN: 2320-7132Download
23Dr. Manisha KhaladkarA Status of Microfinance In India: An OverviewCikitusi Journal For Multidisciplinary Research2018-19ISSN NO: 0975-6876Download
24Prof. Abhijit KhurapeA Study of Welfare Facilities and Its Effects on Employee Performance With Reference To Selected Manufacturing Industries in Narhe, Pune.International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-19ISSN- 2349-5162Download
25Dr. Manisha KhaladkarTHE IMPACT OF GST ON CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRYInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews2018-19E-ISSN- 2348-1269Download
26Dr. Manisha KhaladkarFinancial System of India, Markets and ServicesHimalaya Publishing House2018-19978-93-5299-260-7Download
27Dr. Manisha R. KhakadkarStudy of impact of microfiance in economic development of SHG in PuneInternational Conference on “Contemporary issues in commerce and management” Organized by MPGI School of Management, MPGI Integrated campus, Nanded2016-2017ISSN-2348-0351Download
28Dr. Manisha R. KhakadkarCash Less Transactions: Opportunities & ChallengesDnyanganga Management Journal2016-2017ISSN-2277-453XDownload
29Dr. Manisha R. KhakadkarA study of M banking in India : Chalenges and Security issuesSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2015-2016ISSN-2277-4661Download
30Dr. S.M. GaikwadNeed of strategic cost management in service organizationsSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2015-2016ISSN-2277-4661Download
31Prof. Prashant KumbharGreen HRM, a need of 21st centurySymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2015-2016ISSN-2277-4661Download
32Prof. Shital S. WalunjStudy on employees perception towards private, public and voluntary Hospital in Ahmednagar DistrictSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2015-2016ISSN-2277-4661Download
33Prof. Rahul P. MoreProblems faced by rural entrepreneurs in self help groupsSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2015-2016ISSN-2277-4661Download
34Prof. Tushar T. PokharnikarThe decision making behavior of sub-4-meter compact car consumar- a case based studySymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2015-2016ISSN-2277-4661Download
35Prof. Vikrant NangareFood Processing in India- A changing pradigmSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2015-2016ISSN-2277-4661Download
36Prof. Manisha KhaladkarIssues and opportunities of women entrepreneurs in IndiaSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2014-2015ISSN-2277-4661Download
37Prof. Prashant KumbharGreen Human resource management and it’s effectivenessSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2014-2015ISSN-2277-4661Download
38Dr. S.M. GaikwadA study on impact of foreign direct investment on manpower development in IndiaSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2014-2015ISSN-2277-4661Download
39Prof. Prashant KumbharA study on impact of foreign direct investment on manpower development in IndiaSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2014-2015ISSN-2277-4661Download
40Prof. Sheetal ChavanA study on consumer buying behaviour towards online shopping : special referance to big billion day by in Pune CitySymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2014-2015ISSN-2277-4661Download
41Prof. Umesh S. KollimathDirect Marketing efforts of fresh produce in Pune : Problems and ProspectsSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2014-2015ISSN-2277-4661Download
42Prof. Shital S. WalunjRole played by mHelth in rural IndiaSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2014-2015ISSN-2277-4661Download
43Prof. Rahul P. MoreA study of consumer buying pattern of D-mart and Big-Bazar organized retail outlet with referance to Pune CitySymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2014-2015ISSN-2277-4661Download
44Dr. Anand jumleUnderstanding changing rural consumer buying behavior towards selected FMCG productsSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2014-2015ISSN-2277-4661Download
45Prof. Vikrant NangareRole of information technology in Food retailingSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2014-2015ISSN-2277-4661Download
46Prof. Manisha KhaladkarFinancial engineeringSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2013-14ISSN-2277-4661Download
47Dr. S.M. GaikwadIndentifying key enablers of foreign direct investment through interpretive structure modelingGavesana journal and Managenent2013-14ISSN-0975-4547Download
48Dr. S.M. GaikwadPerformance budgetiong system in banks: a conceptual analysisManagement guru : journal of management research2013-14ISSN-2319-2429Download
49Prof. Manisha KhaladkarTechnological forecasting and assessmentSymphony ZIMCA’s Management journal2013-14ISSN-2277-4661Download