About Us
Quality Policy
Zeal Institute of Management and Computer Application, Pune is committed to exceed the Norms and Standards prescribed by AICTE, DTE (Gov. of Mah.), Savitribai Phule Pune University and other statutory/accreditation agencies, so as to emerge as a Benchmark and Centre of Excellence ensuring highest quality in Education, Research and Extension.
1. Admission to the MBA is strictly on the basis of the inter-se merit of the student in the CET conducted by the state and other national entrance test permitted and published by DTE in advance.
2. The recruitment of the faculty in the Institute is invariably done through selection committee constituted under the relevant statues of the Savitribai Phule Pune University. The social justice policy of state is implemented for the recruitment of the faculty.
3. The Institute follows curriculum developed by Savitribai Phule Pune University. Every three years, Board of Studies for MBA identifies the gap in the syllabus and the industry requirement. Subsequently, BoS Chairman invites the faculty members to contribute towards syllabus revision. The institute always encourages all the faculty members to participate and contribute in updating of curriculum in constructive way.
4. Besides conventional chalk and talk method, faculty extensively use modern educational tool such as information communication technology, animation, simulation, power point presentation, etc. This helps the faculty and student to make the teaching-learning experience interesting, interactive and full of learning. The institute extensively covers the topics beyond curriculum and conducts various online certification courses.
5. The academic and the personal progress of the student are monitored throughout the academic year through various concurrent evaluation methods by Course Coordinator, Class Coordinator, and Guardian Faculty Members.
6. The Institute encourages the faculty to participate in faculty development programme, such as attending conference, seminars, workshops, etc.