Research Facility

Educators engaged in research are updated with latest information and updated facts instead of all that is mentioned in a book. It is essential that teachers engage in research to come out with latest and original information but also when they expect students to be research oriented they must have familiarity with various aspects to the concept. Also, educators familiar with research based teaching can help students with the following things:

  • Teaching research results
  • Fostering Research Environment
  • Inculcating research habit in Faculty and student
  • Assistance to conduct research
  • Providing research experience

Students when involved in research based learning are bound to learn more and better than they would without the integration of research.

  • Objectives:

The purpose of the research facilities are:

  1. To establish reputation of institute in management research and consultancy
  2. To provide desired support for student/faculty incumbents
  3. To nurture and foster healthy research environment in campus.
  4. To observe optimum utilization of research facilities available in campus
  5. To conceive and develop advanced research facilities for students and faculty


  1. Research Facility

The Research and Incubation Cell (RIC) of ZIMCA defined the policy and procedure for conduction of research activities and which type of facilities and assistance are provided by institute.

The following procedure is guiding through the standard processes of Research facility.

  1. Review of research activities:

The Cellshall take are view of research activities carried out in a semester, research out come and fulfillment of objectives at the end of every semester.

  1.  Responsibilities of RIC:

The following responsibilities shall be distributed among the members.

  1. Creation of awareness about research among the teachers.
  2. Identification of research area.
  3. Formation of research groups.
  4. Identification of infrastructure,equipment,software,test facilities required for research.
  5. Preparation of annual budget.
  6. Updating the teachers with the research funding agencies,their research funding schemes.Motivating teachers to draft funding research proposals and assistance in ongoing projects
  7. Motivating teachers and research groups for getting consultancy.
  8. Making and executing MoUs with research institutes and R&D departments of industries.
  9. Developing paper writings kills among the teachers and motivating teachers to write  papers  for  possible  publication  in  reputed  journals  and conference
  10. Quality of SIP and Dissertation.
  11. Formation of IPR cell.

The activities with respect to above mentioned responsibilities shall be carried out as follows.

4. Creation of awareness about research among the teachers:

  1. The RIC shall visit the faculty cabin and conduct meetings with the teachers to make them aware about the need and importance of research.
  2. The RIC shall explore the research methodology, possible research avenues, various research institutes and laboratories and way of possible collaboration with them.
  3. The RIC shall arrange expert talks for specific research area to explore the current trends of research in that subject

5.  Identification of   research  area,   formation  of   research  groups  and identification of infrastructure,equipment,software, test facilities required for research:

  1. RIC coordinators shall identify the possible research area in the departments after thorough discussion with faculty member
  2. RIC coordinators shall forward the list of proposed research areas to RIC.
  3. RIC coordinators shall form the research groups of teachers and students working under their guidance/supervision
  • The faculty representative of RIC shall be come the bridge between Students and RIC for smooth functioning of research group
  • One of the senior teachers in the group shall be the leader of this group.
  • The group shall formulate the requirements for the iractivities and forward the same to RIC with tentative costin
  • The group shall arrange weekly presenta The group leader shall maintain records of the same. The presentation to pic can be progress of research work, newly published research work of the group member,recently published research in reputed journals.

6. Preparation of annual budget:

  1. RIC shall collect the list of institute funded research proposals and requirements raised by the research group
  2. RIC shall check feasibility of research proposal
  3. RIC shall prepare annual budget by considering the following factors:
  • Requirements raised by research groups
  • Contingency fund and seed money
  • IPR cell requirements

7. Updating the teachers with the research funding agencies,their research funding schemes:

RIC member shall inform the faculty members about there search funding agencies, their way off unctioning,their requirements and deadlines,funding schemes, ways of applying for funding schemes.To do this,RIC members shall arrange faculty wise presentations in the first month of academic year.

8. Motivating teachers to draft funding research proposals and assistance in ongoing projects:

  1. RIC members shall motivate the faculty members to draft are search proposal and apply the same to funding agencies
  2. The RIC coordinators shall guide the faculty membersin drafting the research proposals and assist the min submitting the proposals.
  3. RIC shall provide all necessary assistance in completing the procedures of sanctioned funded project
  4. RIC shall forward recommendations to sanctionseed money required if any to start the funded projects

9. Motivating teachers and research groups for getting consultancy:

  1. RIC shall be in touch with R&D cells of industries to identify the needs of industries to be out sourced in the form of consultance
  2. RIC shall frequently interact with research groups to motivate and guide the faculty members to generate revenue through consultance

10. Making and executing MoUs with research institutes ,and R&D departments of industries:

  1. RIC shall visit different research institute and R&D departments of industries to initiate the MoUs with them
  2. RIC shall monitor the execution of these MoUs

11. Developing paper writing skills among the teachers and motivating teachers to write papers for possible publication in reputed journals and conferences:

  1. RIC members shall conduct weekly/monthly meeting to develop paper writing skills among the teachers
  2. RIC shall assist the teachers in submitting manuscripts to reputed journals
  3. RIC shall notify the conference calendar of different reputed societies like IEEE,ASME,and ACE
  4. RIC shall notify the upcoming conferencesin India as well as abroad.

12. Quality of SIP and Dissertation:

  1. To improve the quality of SIP and Dissertation’s of students the RIC shall monitor the progress of their work.
  2. RIC shall form the conditions to be fulfilled before submission of dissertation and SIP.
  3. The SIP and Dissertation coordinator shall prepare the calendar for progress presentation of MBA students. Such that every student has to present his/her progress once in a month.These presentations shall be arranged once in a week in presence of RIC members and faculty guides.
  4. The dissertations and SIP shall be allowed for submission only after satisfy in gall pre-defined conditions and clearance from RIC

13. Formation of IPR cell:

As a long term goal, RIC shall form IPR cell to motivate teachers to file patents,assist the min completing all formalities to file patents.

14. Policies of deputation for conferences, workshops, FDPs:

  1. Teachers those will come forward with a proposal,shall be deputed with on duty leave for summer and winter workshops (of minimum one week only) at IIM’s, IITs,IIITs,NITs,State and Central Government institutes and private institutes/Universitie
  2. The teachers shall be deputed with on duty leave to all related and useful FDPs conducted by SPPU and recommended by RIC.For such deputation,all expenses shall be borne by the institute.
  3. The teachers shall be deputed with on duty leave to present papers in all National and International conferences at his/her own cos However,for reputed international conferences in India,50%of registration fees and TA-DA as per institute norms shall be sanctioned.For reputed international conferences out side India,RIC shall assist the faculty member to apply for travel grant to funding agencies.The institute shall bare 50 % of remaining expenses if the travel grant is sanctioned and 20% of total approved expenses if travel grant is not sanctioned.Recommendation regarding the repute of conference could be judged by the RIC/expert teacher out side the institute. RIC shall make a list of reputed conferences in consultation with all members.
  4. Up on completion of workshop,conference,seminar,FDP the teacher has to submit a copy of certificate to institute office and give presentation to RIC.Interested teachers in the institute can attend the same.

15. Guidelines and Monitoring System for evaluation of research outcome:

  • All teachers shall carefully prepare the research resume,identify the are a for research activity and form research group
  • The teachers shall make habit of reading research articles published inreputed Jou In the span of every one month the teachers are expected to do any one among the activities mentioned below.
  • Read and understand at least three interlinked research paper every month.Based on this study the teacher shall make concisereport(in approximately 1500words).
  • Identify research are and define research problem.Start for preparing research paper
  • Perform simulation and/or experimental work and prepare a report on the work.
  • Check for plagiarism. The report shall be preserved in the research activity file RIC coordinators shall assess the research reports and submit the report to Head of the Institute in the format given below

16. Plagiarism Check Report

Workperiod:                                      Department:




Name oftheTeacher

Outcome of

Plagiarism Check



Remark of RIC Coordinator

  • Every teacher shall publish at least two research articles out of which at least one should be in reputed Journals indexed in Scopus/SCI/SCIE index list
  • The teachers with qualification Ph. D. are work as a mentor for Jr. Faculties in research paper publication work
  • Faculties shall submit their research progress to RIC Coordinator/ Institute Head at the end of every semester The format for the same is as under.
  1. Research Publication Details

Publication Period:

Institute/Department Name:









Name of


International JournalsInternational




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SCIScopusOtherImpact factorIEEEAny otherFiledPublishedGrantedTotal


  1. File(s):