The workshop on Happiness Program by Art of Living (Hon. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) was organized from 20th15 to 25th Nov.2015 for all faculty members. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. A. G. Jumle, Director ZIBACAR and Prof. C. N. Kulkarni, Principal, Zeal Polytechnic. The Trainers from “Art of living” who conducted the workshop were Ms. C.S. Yadav and Mr. Sunil Potdar. The program began with discussion on the idea of Happiness and importance of being in the present rather than in the past or future. It was further discussed that shouldering responsibilities and displaying 100% commitments in all the assignments shall lead us to overall satisfaction and contentment.
After giving the insight about the self, the trainers taught various Yoga and Meditation to the participants. The faculties discovered the power of Breath to energize the tired body and stressed mind. Learning Sudarshan Kriya gave a never before experience to all the participants and they felt that it will enhance the ability of being happy in any circumstances.
The concluding session was chaired by Mr. Jayesh Katkar, Executive Director, and ZES, who stressed on practicing the easy meditation tools to help us become calm, happy and ultimately improves quality of life. Many of the participants expressed that it is beginning to live with an unshakable smile.