Project Dissertation Outlines (Guidelines Given By SPPU)

At the end of the Second Semester, each student shall undertake a Summer Internship Project (SIP) for a minimum of 8 weeks. For SIP, 1 credit is equivalent to a minimum of 40-45 hours of effective work. SIP shall have 6 credits. It is mandatory for the student to seek advance written approval from the faculty guide and the Director of the Institute about the topic and organization before commencing the SIP.

The SIP may or may not have a Functional Focus, i.e. the student may take up an SIP in his/her intended area of specialization or in any other functional area of management. Ideally, the SIP should exhibit a cross-functional orientation. SIP can be carried out in a Corporate Entity / NGO / SME / Government Undertaking / Cooperative Sector.

SIP may be a research project – based on primary/secondary data or maybe an operational assignment involving working by the student on a given task/assignment/project/ etc. in an organization/industry. It is expected that the SIP shall sensitize the students to the demands of the workplace.

Each student shall maintain a SIP Progress Diary detailing the work carried out and the progress achieved on a daily basis. The student shall submit a written structured SIP report based on work done during this period. The student shall submit the SIP Progress Diary along with the SIP Report.

Students shall also seek a formal evaluation of their SIP from the company guide. The formal evaluation by the company guide shall comment on the nature and quantum of work undertaken by the student, the effectiveness and overall professionalism. The learning outcomes of the SIP and utility of the SIP to the host organization must be specifically highlighted in the formal evaluation by the company guide. The SIP evaluation sheet duly signed and stamped by the industry guide shall be included in the final SIP report.

The SIP report must reflect 8 weeks of work and justify the same. The SIP report should be well documented and supported by –

  1. Institute’s Certificate
  2. Certificate by the Company
  3. Formal feedback from the company guide
  4. Executive Summary
  5. Organization profile
  6. Outline of the problem/task undertaken
  7. Research methodology & data analysis (in the case of research projects only)
  8. Relevant activity charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, AV material, etc.
  9. Learning of the student through the project
  10. Contribution to the host organization
  11. References in appropriate referencing styles. (APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago Style, etc.)

The completion of the SIP shall be certified by the respective Faculty Guide & approved by the Director of the Institute.

The external organization (Corporate / NGO/ SME/ Government Entity/ Cooperative/ etc.) shall also certify the SIP work.

The students shall submit a spiral-bound copy of the SIP report by 15th September. The Institute shall conduct an internal viva-voce for evaluation of the SIP for 50 marks between 15th September to 30th September. The Panel shall comprise of two evaluators appointed by the Director of the Institute / Head of Department (for MBA departments in engineering colleges). Institutes are encouraged to involve senior alumni, industry experts, recruiters to conduct the internal viva-voce. The internal viva-voce panel shall provide a detailed assessment of the SIP report and suggest changes required if any.

After the internal viva-voce, the student shall finalize the SIP report by incorporating all the suggestions and recommendations of the internal viva-voce panel. The internal guide shall then issue the Institute’s Certificate to the student.

The student shall submit TWO hard copies & one soft copy (CD) of the project report before 30th October in Sem III. One hard copy of the SIP report is to be returned to the student by the Institute after the External Viva-Voce. In the interest of environmental considerations, students are encouraged to print their project reports on both faces of the paper.

Spiral-bound copies may be accepted.

There shall be an external viva-voce for the SIP for 50 marks. The external viva-voce shall be conducted after the theory exam of Semester III.

The Internal & the External viva-voce shall evaluate the SIP-based on:

  1. Adequacy of work undertaken by the student
  2. Application of concepts learned in Sem I and II
  3. Understanding of the organization and business environment
  4. Analytical capabilities
  5. Technical Writing & Documentation Skills
  6. The outcome of the project – sense of purpose
  7. The utility of the project to the organization
  8. Variety and relevance of learning experience

Copies of SIP report and records of evaluation shall be maintained by the Institute for a period of 3 academic years.